What the fuck is a Beautiful Music anyway???

I'm glad you asked! So, I wanted to make a playlist specifically for videos I found super funny when I was like, 13 or 14 or so, and I wasn't sure what to call it. I thought sarcastically calling it "Beautiful Music" would be kinda funny especially since a bunch of these videos were musical in nature. And I kinda just kept with that naming tradition, and I've been making more Beautiful Music playlists even to this day

What makes something Beautiful Music or not???

IDK LOL. It has to make me laugh when I first see it. That's why you're gonna see a really wide net of genres of video over these playlists, it's a map of my changing sense of humor as I grew up, I guess. Not everything is probably gonna be comedy gold, but it was to me when I was building the playlist in question.

Where I can I find me some of this... Beautiful Music???

Right here, bud! I of course have the playlists on my Youtube account for my own (and now your) viewing pleasure, and I'm making silly little buttons of what I think is one of the highlights or most iconic videos on that playlist, so you can click em and check em out! Sorry if you find anything offensive or shitty, I haven't really curated these and I didn't come out of the pussy knowing everything about right and wrong. If you wanna put these buttons/links on your website for some reason, go ahead as long as the buttons link to the playlists!